( aus: The Nation)
National parks : Entrance fee hikes to be deferred
The Natural Resources and Environment Ministry is to postpone for more than a year its plan to double entry fees at all national parks.
The fees were scheduled to rise on September 15, but caretaker Minister Yongyuth Tiyapairat has agreed to postpone the hike until November 30 next year. Park entry fees for foreigners will rise from Bt200 to Bt400 and for Thais from Bt20 to Bt40.
Earlier this month, 500 tour operators rallied at the Tourism Authority of Thailand's office in Phuket to demand the increase be scrapped or, at least, their concerns be taken into account.
They said that doubling the entry fees will damage their livelihoods by causing a decline in the number of tourists visiting the parks, especially foreigners.
They said the two-tier system, under which foreign visitors pay 10 times the amount paid by Thais, has itself been a long-term embarrassment for tour operators and others in the hospitality industry.
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