Suvarabhumi demnächst geschlossen ???

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Member hat gesagt:
Aha, aha! Da bleib ich doch vielleicht in AC, dort kennt mich noch niemand! :hehe: Aber ich werde mich vorsehen in Patty, keine Angst. Ich lebe das Motto: lass dich nicht erwischen... :moon:
Wann und wo genau bist den du? AC und Patty?
Die Mädels in AC werden natürlich auch von mir gebrieft. Ich werde sie vor einem mentholzigarettenrauchenden Eidgenossen warnen. Das dürfte ja nicht so schwer sein, einen Mann, der Tempotaschentücher raucht, zu erkennen. Mein Reiseplan: 16.2.-24.2. AC Swiss Chalet & 24.2. - 8.3. PAT Grand Hotel, damit meine LT-Schwutte auch noch was von mir hat...

falls ich die Woche AC überhaupt überleben sollte :blow: :pop: :hj: :fucking: :geparkt: :saufen:

Gruß zardi77


Ja da werden wir uns leider in AC nicht sehen, bin erst am 27.2. dort. Aber auch im Swiss Chalet! :yes:
Dann ab 6.3. in Patty! Aber dort könnte es vielleicht noch klappen! :wink0:


Wird nun doch nicht geschlossen-nur repariert(ist ja auch schon 4 monate alt)
Guckst du da:

Suvarnabhumi Airport will not be closed down, as authorities chose to proceed with temporary repairs on the many cracks in the taxiways and one in the main runway, Transport Minister said Thursday.

Admiral Thira Haocharoen admitted that airport authorities had found 25 cracks in the taxiways at Suvarnabhumi Airport that have made it impossible for airplanes to use 11 :wirr: of the airport's aero-bridges.

At least one crack :byee: has also been found at the head of the airport's 4,000-metre-long runway.

Thira said engineers and technicians were instructed to proceed with temporary repairs for the cracks within the next few weeks. :hehe: :hehe:

- The Nation


Admiral Thira Haocharoen admitted that airport authorities had found 25 cracks in the taxiways at Suvarnabhumi Airport that have made it impossible for airplanes to use 11 of the airport's aero-bridges

naja, wenn sie 25 zugeben, werden es wohl in wirklichkeit 250 sein :? . quality made in thailand........


Also ich hatte keine Probleme am Airport. Auch nicht mit den Toiletten. Die gibts doch überall. Und voll waren die auch nicht???


Nun wirds etwas deutlicher....
The Nation:

Some flight services will likely return the Don Muang Airport

Transport Minister Admiral Theera Haocharoen will Monday convene a crucial meeting to decide whether to transfer some flight services from Suvarnabhumi Airport back to Don Muang Airport amid a series of misfortunate events happening at the country's newest airtraffic facilities.

"We have to admit that repair works on the Suvarnabhumi Airport's taxiways and runway will affect its services," Theera said Sunday.

He believed if the Don Muang Airport was recommissioned to accommodate some flight services, airtraffic congestion at the Suvarnabhumi Airport would ease.

Last week, it was confirmed that the Suvarnabhumi Airport has cracks on its taxiways. On Thursday, the repair works also forced some flights to circle over the airport or land at UTapao military airfield in Chon Buri for refuelling and temporary parking.

Currently, up to 11 aerobridges at the Suvarnabhumi Airport could not provide services due to the cracked taxiways and partial cavedin surface on the runway.

The repairs were now ongoing but they would be able to solve the problems only on a temporary basis.

According to an informed source at the Transport Ministry, AOT board has already approved the plan to transfer some flight services back to the Don Muang Airport.

The old airport in Bangkok's Don Muang district was closed after the Suvarnabhumi Airport resumed its full commercial services four months ago.

Sowie das hier(die blauen PVC rohre sind ja auch der letzte schrott...)

Water pipe ruptures in Suvarnabhumi passenger terminal

A water pipe in a toilet on the third floor of an office inside the terminal building ruptured Saturday morning, causing water to spill over the second floor.

The area, which was affected on the second floor, is the office of customs officials.

Somchai Sawasdiphol confirmed of the accident. He said the water supply to the area was later cut off pending fixing of the pipe. :mrgreen:

The Nation


wenn man schon in der glücklichen lage ist und auf einen noch funktionierenden airport zurückgreifen kann, warum sollte man es dann net tun bis die brücken neu gebaut sind, flickschustereien nutzen hier ja wohl eh wenig.


Naja, sie wollen sich ja nun etwas Zeit lassen.....(4560 Tage...???)

Cabient will not discuss Don Muang reopening this week

Transport Minister Theera Haocharoen Monday said he would not propose the reopening of Don Muang Airport for Cabinet approval Tuesday, due to the lack of an action plan.

Theera said his ministry would discuss the plan in greater detail with relevant bodies, including Airports of Thailand (AOT), the Department of Civil Aviation and Thai Airways International (THAI).

"With no action plan for using Don Muang Airport, I will not raise it with the Cabinet," he said.

Theera said the biggest factor in the lack of preparedness was that AOT did not have enough staff to work at the old airport. AOT cancelled contracts with outsource companies last September after Suvarnabhumi Airport opened.

The AOT board on January 11 approved a plan to move domestic flights from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Don Muang on a voluntary basis.

However, Theera said resumption of services at Don Muang Airport could be completed in 4560 :wirr: days if the Cabinet gave its approval next Tuesday.

The Nation


mein buddha, sind die schnell dort, heut morgen hat es noch geheissen, entscheidung vertagt-nun plötzlich das hier:

Urgent: Cabinet approves reopening of Don Muang

The Cabinet Tuesday approved the reopening of Don Muang airport, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said.

Surayud said both Suvarnabhumi and Don Muang would be international airports to cope with the rising number of passengers.

Transport Minister Thira Haocharoen said Don Muang would be ready to resume commercial operations within 45 days.

The Nation
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