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Nach Angaben der englischsprachigen Wochenzeitung „Pattaya Times“ bereitet die Polizei eine Großrazzia gegen die Bars in Pattaya vor – Ziel der Beamten sind von Ausländern betriebene Bars.
Licht aus: Pattaya ohne Bars könnte so aussehen
Die Razzien sollen im Februar durchgeführt werden, laut Polizeiangaben werde man gegen von Ausländern geführte Etablissements vorgehen, dazu zählen Bierbars, GoGo-Bars und Gay-Bars.
Die betreffenden Bars erheben eine sogenannte „Bar-fine“, damit Angestellte die Bars verlassen können. Entweder für die ganze Nacht oder „Short-time“, wie die „Pattaya Times“ zu berichten weiß.
Die Polizei vermutet, daß viele der Rendezvous zwischen Gästen und den Angestellten der Bar einen sexuellen Hintergrund haben.
Daher sollen Ermittlungsverfahren angestrengt werden, um herauszufinden, wer die anfallenden Rechnungen bezahlt und den Gewinn kassiert. Wenn es sich bei dieser Person um einen Ausländer handeln sollte, soll die Abschiebung erfolgen.
Ein Beamter sagte, es gebe Befürchtungen, daß das Rotlichtmilieu eine Brutstätte für Kriminalität sei.
Ein Polizeichef fragte rhetorisch: Woher kam das Geld? Wer steckt dahinter? Wohin geht das Geld?“
Ferner wurde angekündigt, daß Interpol ein Büro in Pattaya eröffnen will, um der thailändischen Polizei dabei zu helfen, rund 2000 Ausländer zu schnappen, die mit internationalem Haftbefehl gesucht werden. Pattaya Times
Police Crackdown On Foreign Operated Sex Bars
PATTAYA: -- Informed sources from several police divisions have told the Pattaya Times that a very serious crackdown will begin next month to catch foreign business people who are financial backers of gay bars, beer bars and a go-gos where there is sex for sale in Pattaya.
These bars charge a "bar fine" to the customer and let the employee leave for the night or a "short time" usually about two to three hours. It is suspected that many of these rendezvous are sexually related, police said. Police investigations will determine who pays the bills and gets the profits. If the person is a foreigner then their visa will be revoked and they will be expelled from the Kingdom. If it is a Thai they will be arrested if sex is for sale. There is much concern about organized crime in the nightlife venues, said one official.
"Where did the money come from? Who is behind it? Where does the money go?" asked one policechief rhetorically.
In a related matter, there will be an Interpol office opening in Pattaya to help catch more than 2,000 foreigners wanted in Thailand on various charges.
"Keep in mind, Thais are pretty easy to find compared to foreigners, Thais have a mandatory National ID Card and associated number with a microchip of their history on the card. They must be registered in a
House Book so that at all times there is someone who can say where the person is living if the police want to talk with them. This crackdown on foreigners built up to this point because it is relatively easy for us to disappear in the villages and big cities. Or to simply leave the country," said Drew Noyes of PAPPA Legal Services in Pattaya.
"I advise anyone who has invested in a bar that might be suspected of illegal acts to clear up the problem and make sure they are not associated with any business that is engaged in illegal activities. The Thai police are taking this very seriously. Sure, in the past we have heard rumors of crackdowns, but I don't think we have ever seen a crackdown like the one that is about to happen," said Drew Noyes, former three-term Expat Club leader and 13 year resident.
"There are many bars that we foreigners like to go to relax and part of the attraction of Pattaya is this nightlife. If everyone will make sure that nothing offensive to Thai culture occurs inside these places and no foreigner is associated managerially or financially by a paper trail with these clubs then this crackdown may not cause many people problems. It is great to see the police crackdown on underage sex, drugs and many of the associate problems that come with the bar business, but it is important that foreigners know the law and make sure bars they are invested in are not under scrutiny by the police for prostitution. There are ways to protect yourself now," Managing Director of the Pattaya Times Drew Noyes added.
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