Hab im Hotel mal angefragt wie das mit Leute mit nehmen ist und hab folgende antwort bekommen:
A maximum of 2 people are permitted to be registered to a room and must provide valid identification: passport, ID card or driver’s license.
Any private visits from unregistered persons, in hotel guest room, is not permitted unless his/her real identification card is given to the front desk.
According to Thai prostitution act, all entertainment establishments, including the hotel, require proof by national ID that any lady or entertainer is at least age 18. The hotel is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of cash, jewelry or other valuables done by the person guest brings in together.
The hotel has the right to prohibit a joiner to enter the hotel if he/she shows the intention of disturbing any other hotel guest.
Versteh ich das richt das ich Leute mit bringen darf die müssen sich aber am eining ausweisen. Also ganz normal quasi.
A maximum of 2 people are permitted to be registered to a room and must provide valid identification: passport, ID card or driver’s license.
Any private visits from unregistered persons, in hotel guest room, is not permitted unless his/her real identification card is given to the front desk.
According to Thai prostitution act, all entertainment establishments, including the hotel, require proof by national ID that any lady or entertainer is at least age 18. The hotel is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of cash, jewelry or other valuables done by the person guest brings in together.
The hotel has the right to prohibit a joiner to enter the hotel if he/she shows the intention of disturbing any other hotel guest.
Versteh ich das richt das ich Leute mit bringen darf die müssen sich aber am eining ausweisen. Also ganz normal quasi.