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Info News aus den Philippinen



EXCLUSIVE: Lewis Grand Hotel Erects World’s First 3D Printed Hotel, Plans to Print Thousands of Homes in the Philippines Next -

EXCLUSIVE: Lewis Grand Hotel Erects World’s First 3D Printed Hotel, Plans to Print Thousands of Homes in the Philippines Next
Over the past couple of years, we have really begun to see 3D printing make its way into the construction industry. While the technology has proven itself in the fabrication of small buildings, we have yet to see 3D printed buildings actually be put to everyday use.
Now, however, it appears as though one hotel in the Philippines has jumped ahead of Winsun to 3D print the world’s first commercial building. This building will actually be put to use on a daily basis as part of an addition to The Lewis Grand Hotel on Don Juico Avenue, in Angeles City Pampanga.


EXCLUSIVE: Lewis Grand Hotel Erects World’s First 3D Printed Hotel, Plans to Print Thousands of Homes in the Philippines Next -

EXCLUSIVE: Lewis Grand Hotel Erects World’s First 3D Printed Hotel, Plans to Print Thousands of Homes in the Philippines Next
Over the past couple of years, we have really begun to see 3D printing make its way into the construction industry. While the technology has proven itself in the fabrication of small buildings, we have yet to see 3D printed buildings actually be put to everyday use.
Now, however, it appears as though one hotel in the Philippines has jumped ahead of Winsun to 3D print the world’s first commercial building. This building will actually be put to use on a daily basis as part of an addition to The Lewis Grand Hotel on Don Juico Avenue, in Angeles City Pampanga.
This is just the beginning for Yakich though. Yakich plans to advance the 3D printers further, and has already signed a contract to 3D print an entire subdivision of 20 homes this coming November. According to his estimates, it will take them just about one week to 3D print 6 houses simultaneously.

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ENDLICH!!! Google Street View für die Philippinen
Google Lat Long: Islands of the Philippines now on Street View

Starting today, you can virtually explore downtown Manila, wander the historic streets of Vigan, and see where boxing legend Manny Pacquiao grew up and trained, with the launch of new Street View imagery in the Philippines. Thanks to the support of the Philippines Department of Tourism, 37 cities and 35 historic locations - including eight UNESCO world heritage sites - are now available for the world to explore in 360-degree panoramic views with Street View.


Es gab aber noch mehr solcher Chaoten. Wie die Hausfrau deren wichtigstes Anliegen für das Land "Home Improvement" ist, der zahnlose Taxifahrer, der Typ der mit "Aliens" kommunizieren kann per Internet und sie als Verbündete gegen China haben möchte, der Typ der PI als Teil der USA haben möchte, die Frau die eine absolute Monarchie ausrufen will mit gleichzeitiger Abschaffung der Legislative und Ausübung aller Rechte durch "Gott" oder der Typ der in PI die vier Jahreszeiten einführen möchte, weil er Regen- und Trockenzeit nicht mag.

Und das waren jetzt nur Kandidaten für das Präsidentenamt!!!

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In Manila geht es so mit dem Regen, eigentlich weniger als bei manch Nachmittäglichem Regenschauer, aber es wird gerade doch sehr stürmisch und hier und da fliegen Gegenstände umher. Einem Nachbarn hat's die AC aus der Verankerung gehoben und die ist einige Stockwerke weiter unten laut zerscheppert. Zum Glück war niemand dort unterwegs. Dürfte wohl jetzt noch 1-2 Tage so bleiben. Für Morgen sind schon mal alle Colleges etc. geschlossen.


Hier in Angeles schüttet es seid Samstag ohne Unterbrechung mit Sturmböhen und 7 Stunden Brownout gestern....
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