Bilderthread Selbstgeschossene Pics von Thaigirls!

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@Grubert: Ganz große Persektive, das Bild mit der Leine. Sehr schön!


@mojodo: Von welchem Bild sprichst du. Gib doch mal den Link oder die Nummer an.


@Sukisum, das ist wirklich eine ganz heisse...sehr hübsch...danke fürs uploaden.


@grassclopper: Maybe its a little bit difficult for you to read and understand the Guideline for Newbies. So, if you want to enlarge a picture after the upload, just place a double click on the picture. A new pop-up window will appear and give you some options how to enlarge and insert the picture. My preferred options are "groß" and "zentriert". Just try it, it´s easy. By the way, up to 3 hours after your posting you will have the possibility to edit your posting, in that way, to change the size of your picture. Just use the option "Bearbeiten" and try it.

Good luck.
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