Pattaya Auf einmal ist alles anders

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Kurze Zeitspäter bekam ich von meinem tirak über Line folgende Nachricht geschickt.
13:33 kaew alt nr Hi papa
13:34 kaewalt nr Sorry cannot connect you anymore
13:35 kaewalt nr I just out from hospital now
13:35 kaewalt nr I don't know you still wantchat with me any more
13:35 kaewalt nr But
13:36 kaewalt nr I thank you for your messages
13:36 kaewalt nr I wish everything by you ok
13:38 Günther come home and we talk over skype
13:39 kaewalt nr Sorry
13:39 kaewalt nr I cannot talk
13:39 kaewalt nr I cannot speak
13:39 kaewalt nr Operation
13:39 kaewalt nr Mouth
13:40 Günther ok. but then i can see you only
13:40 kaewalt nr Yes
13:40 kaewalt nr Now i still in bkk
13:40 kaewalt nr Sit on taxi
13:43 Günther ok. take care and i see you later
13:43 kaew alt nr [Bild]
13:43 kaew alt nr [Bild]
13:44 kaewalt nr When you finis work
13:47 Günther i at home. i have holiday the next 10 days
13:47 kaewalt nr Ok
13:48 Günther why you have operation at mouth
13:48 kaewalt nr Understand
13:48 kaewalt nr Small meal can come to cancer
13:49 kaewalt nr Have at mouth too
13:49 kaewalt nr And i must get blood
13:50 kaewalt nr I cannot speak
13:50 Günther how long you cant speak
13:50 kaewalt nr I give my phone to my motherfor her connect with hospital
13:50 Günther what you mean
13:52 kaewalt nr But she use my phone brokenand yesterday my aunty in bkk give to me back and i see your many messages
13:52 kaewalt nr My mother not with me
13:52 kaewalt nr I stay alone in hospital
13:52 kaewalt nr My mother go back befor 11th
13:53 kaewalt nr Because i tell her
13:53 kaewalt nr I can stat one
13:53 kaewalt nr Alone
13:54 kaewalt nr I sorry
13:54 kaewalt nr For make you worry
13:54 Günther and i have think you have find a new bf whatgood support you
13:55 kaewalt nr You see photos of me . I nothave power for fine a man
13:55 kaewalt nr I tell you
13:55 kaewalt nr When i want new man
13:55 kaewalt nr I will tell you
13:56 kaewalt nr You will see me in skype
13:56 kaewalt nr You will see
13:56 Günther ok tirak. now we must look for your healty.
13:57 kaewalt nr I will ok
13:57 Günther later if you are at home. battery make quickfinish over skype with phone
13:57 Günther ok
13:58 kaew alt nr Ok
13:58 kaewalt nr If you want see me now ok
13:59 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer 0:53
13:59 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer 0:57
14:00 kaewalt nr Still on taxi
14:00 Günther its come better time too
14:00 kaewalt nr My aunty with me
14:00 Günther yes its ok
14:00 kaewalt nr Will take me go bus for goback house
14:01 Günther i have do so much to find you.
14:01 Günther not drive with taxi at home
14:01 kaewalt nr No
14:01 kaewalt nr Bus
14:01 kaewalt nr Go by bus
14:02 Günther taxi to expensive
14:02 kaewalt nr Yes
14:02 kaewalt nr I know
14:03 Günther ok. if i come thailand i bring you whitechocolate
14:03 Günther give you energy
14:03 kaewalt nr Ok
14:05 Günther i go now quick in mall and buy food and drinkok. i write you if i back
14:05 kaewalt nr Ok
14:06 Günther c u later. i so happy you contact me
14:06 kaewalt nr I tell you
14:07 kaewalt nr If i will go from you or wantnew man
14:07 kaewalt nr I will tell you
14:07 kaewalt nr We promise
14:07 kaewalt nr No lie
14:07 Günther yes
14:07 kaewalt nr Tell
14:08 Günther ok. i drive now quick
14:08 kaewalt nr Ok
15:04 Günther ok. i back
15:05 kaewalt nr Ok i sit at bus
15:05 kaewalt nr Wait for bus go
15:05 Günther ok. i hope you must not wait to long
15:06 kaewalt nr I hope so
15:06 kaewalt nr Papa have a woman call to me
15:06 kaewalt nr Tell me
15:06 kaewalt nr You want person help
15:06 kaewalt nr To connet me
15:06 Günther yes
15:07 Günther yes
15:07 kaewalt nr What you make it??
15:08 Günther thats a long story. i have do many for findyou
15:08 kaewalt nr Mmmmmm
15:09 Günther i have write in a dating side. i need help tofind my gf.
15:09 kaewalt nr Really
15:10 Günther but i want close it. because nothing have help
15:10 Günther yes really
15:11 kaewalt nr She call to me
15:11 kaewalt nr When i get phone only 10 mini
15:11 Günther just this moment i want delete and close myside have write me this woman and havesay she help me
15:11 kaewalt nr And i reading your messages
15:12 Günther i have give her your 2 numbers
15:12 Günther and then she have call you
15:13 kaewalt nr Now you ok
15:13 kaewalt nr U thank you here
15:13 kaewalt nr Her
15:13 Günther i have add your sister on facebook and i thinka couisine from you ob facebook too
15:14 Günther yes sure
15:14 kaewalt nr Really
15:14 Günther i have add your sister on facebook and i thinka couisine from you on facebook too. you was in holiday with her
15:14 kaewalt nr You have facebook my sistet
15:14 Günther yes really
15:15 kaewalt nr Where you get
15:15 Günther yes. but she have not answer me
15:16 Günther she have facebook
15:17 Günther her name is pangpink phetphattanacharoen
15:18 Günther and from your cusine is the nane in facebooksupansa sribuntow
15:19 kaewalt nr Yes
15:19 kaewalt nr Why u know
15:19 Günther you know i smart men
15:20 Günther i have use my brain
15:20 kaewalt nr Yes
15:20 kaewalt nr I know
15:21 kaewalt nr You too smart
15:21 kaewalt nr Why thai woman not like
15:21 kaewalt nr 555
15:22 Günther ok. important is i have find you
15:23 kaewalt nr I here
15:24 kaewalt nr Not die
15:24 kaewalt nr But so pain hurt
15:24 Günther you never do it again and shocked me so.
15:25 Günther you have medicine for hurt
15:25 kaewalt nr Yes
15:25 kaewalt nr Many
15:25 kaewalt nr You will see
15:25 Günther yes
15:27 kaewalt nr All you ok
15:27 kaew alt nr Daugter ok?
15:27 kaewalt nr Family ok?
15:28 Günther now yes. but before not. i was so worry foryour healty. and have nothing hear from you. i have thinking so many things.
15:28 Günther yes all ok
15:28 kaewalt nr What you think?
15:29 kaewalt nr Can tell me?
15:29 kaewalt nr But i see
15:30 kaewalt nr You love me so much
15:30 Günther you have find a new bf. and make now holidaytogether. or you are so sick an was in intensiv station in hospital. i havemany think
15:30 Günther yes i do. why you ask
15:31 Günther i have do all to find you.
15:31 kaewalt nr Because i see messages from u
15:31 kaewalt nr You tell me manything
15:32 kaewalt nr I tell you
15:32 kaewalt nr We will not lie
15:32 Günther yes i know you see messages

15:33 kaewalt nr I sick is i sick. If i havenew man . I tell you. If you have new woman tell me
15:34 kaewalt nr But this time my wrong
15:34 Günther ok
15:34 kaewalt nr I give phone to mother
15:34 kaewalt nr I cannot use in room
15:35 Günther its forbidden ?
15:35 kaewalt nr Because mother must to connectwith doctor
15:35 kaewalt nr For get blood for me
15:35 kaewalt nr I must get blood
15:36 Günther ok
15:37 kaew alt nr Group AB
15:37 kaewalt nr For change in my body
15:37 Günther in german its forbidden use phone in hospital.
15:38 kaewalt nr Yes i can use
15:38 Günther but all people use her phone in hospital.
15:38 kaewalt nr But not all time
15:39 kaewalt nr And my mother not have phoneto connect with doctor
15:39 Günther you have a rarel blood group
15:39 kaewalt nr And she use only 3 or 4 days
15:39 kaewalt nr She make my phone earro
15:40 Günther error? you mean
15:40 kaewalt nr Yes
15:40 Günther the phone what you have become from your oldersister
15:40 kaewalt nr She delet mabything
15:40 kaewalt nr Yes
15:41 Günther omg
15:41 Günther smartphone is nothing for your mom
15:41 kaewalt nr Yes
15:41 kaewalt nr I teach her
15:42 kaewalt nr When she with me
15:42 kaewalt nr She can make
15:42 Günther but i think the big problem from her is shedont see good
15:42 kaewalt nr When she go back
15:42 kaewalt nr With aunty
15:42 kaewalt nr She make wring
15:43 kaewalt nr She delet skype
15:43 kaewalt nr Google
15:43 kaewalt nr And name in phone
15:43 Günther omg
15:44 kaewalt nr She give my phone to me andask me. Why cannnot open
15:44 Günther better i give you an old phone from me. aphone with keys
15:44 kaewalt nr She not pit battery
15:45 kaewalt nr Good
15:45 kaewalt nr Darling
15:45 Günther yes
15:46 kaewalt nr My aunty give my phone to shopto replay
15:46 kaewalt nr For give to me back
15:46 kaewalt nr But no skype
15:46 kaewalt nr No google
15:47 Günther now is ok your phone
15:47 kaewalt nr I must make later
15:47 kaewalt nr Many photos not have
15:47 Günther you can download this apps for your ohone
15:47 kaewalt nr Can use line
15:47 kaewalt nr Lucky
15:47 kaewalt nr She not delet
15:48 Günther ok. if we stay together
15:48 kaewalt nr I must go shop
15:48 kaewalt nr Ok
15:48 Günther i copy all pic for you ok
15:49 Günther you must not go shop
15:49 Günther its easy to download this apps
15:49 kaewalt nr Ok
15:49 kaewalt nr But not easy for me
15:49 kaewalt nr I not smart same u
15:50 Günther your little sister help you sure
15:50 kaewalt nr Mmmm
15:50 kaewalt nr Not sure
15:50 kaewalt nr She cary
15:51 Günther cary???????
15:52 kaewalt nr She bad
15:52 kaewalt nr Not care anything
15:52 Günther on you?
15:53 kaewalt nr Only like tour
15:53 kaewalt nr With her self
15:53 Günther ok. understand.
15:53 Günther then we make together
15:54 Günther and i show you
15:54 kaewalt nr Ok
15:55 kaewalt nr Thank you
15:55 Günther for what?
15:55 Günther bus drive or stay on station
15:56 kaewalt nr Drive
15:56 Günther good
15:56 Günther how is your hurt?
15:57 kaewalt nr Yes mush
15:59 Günther so sorry for you and i cant help you
16:00 Günther you have rally become good medicine for hurt
16:00 kaewalt nr Yes
16:00 kaewalt nr Every 4 hour
16:01 kaewalt nr Take it
16:01 Günther and if you take hurt better
16:02 kaewalt nr Yes
16:02 Günther you have tablet or liquid medicine
16:02 kaewalt nr Tablet
16:03 kaewalt nr But not have for sell inpramaci
16:03 kaewalt nr Only from hospital
16:03 Günther why not?
16:04 Günther you have enough?
16:05 Günther you have enough become from hospital for athome
16:05 kaewalt nr Yes
16:05 kaewalt nr I must go back everyweek
16:06 Günther doctor want see every week?
16:06 kaewalt nr If i not want stay in hospial
16:06 Günther ok understand
16:06 kaewalt nr I must go everyweeks in 3montgs
16:07 kaewalt nr Months
16:07 Günther ok. understand
16:07 kaewalt nr 25th go again
16:08 Günther ok. if we stay in pattaya together its not sofar
16:08 kaewalt nr Yes
16:09 Günther 2 hours with bus or?
16:09 kaewalt nr Yes
16:09 kaewalt nr I think
16:11 Günther ok. then you must go 15 september too.
16:12 kaewalt nr Don't know
16:12 kaewalt nr Doctor wlll tell again
16:12 Günther yes its a monday
16:13 kaewalt nr When i meet him
16:13 Günther ok
16:14 Günther [Bild]
16:15 kaew alt nr My sister
16:15 Günther thats fb side from your sister
16:15 kaewalt nr Yes
16:16 kaewalt nr You add her
16:16 Günther you have know she is on fb?
16:16 kaewalt nr I don't know
16:17 kaewalt nr I don't never see her faxebook
16:17 kaewalt nr I not use facebook
16:17 Günther i have added and write her and ask her aboutyou and i worry about your healty. but become not a answer from her.
16:18 kaewalt nr 55 this is my sister
16:18 Günther i longtime not use. but now for informationabout you i have use it.
16:18 kaewalt nr You cannot hope anything frinher
16:19 Günther good to know it.
16:19 Günther i can make joke with her.
16:20 kaewalt nr She not care anything
16:20 kaewalt nr In 12 tg
16:20 kaewalt nr Th
16:20 kaewalt nr This month
16:20 kaewalt nr Holiday in thailand
16:20 kaewalt nr Mother day
16:21 Günther i send her a message i give 4000 bath to herif she answer me
16:21 kaewalt nr She take mother go temple andeat dinner
16:22 kaewalt nr Maybe she answer you
16:22 kaewalt nr Or not
16:22 Günther no. i can not make so bad joke with sister inlaw
16:23 kaewalt nr Ok boss
16:27 Günther i not boss i your lover
16:28 kaewalt nr Ok papa
16:29 Günther so its better
16:36 Günther oh. i have forget to tell you. Heinz has visitme last week.
16:43 kaewalt nr He ok
16:44 Günther yes he is ok. want come with me to thailand
16:44 kaewalt nr Again
16:44 Günther next year
16:44 kaewalt nr Ok
16:45 Günther no not good idea
16:45 kaewalt nr Ok yndersatand
16:47 Günther he can go with me to thailand if he has learnenglish or he find a thai woman what can talk german
16:48 Günther if you want sleep in bus you can tell me theni dont message you
16:49 kaewalt nr Ok
16:49 kaewalt nr Now so pain
16:50 Günther when you can take tablett
16:51 kaewalt nr 11
16:51 Günther in one hour
16:52 kaewalt nr Yes
16:52 kaewalt nr I relax papa ok?
16:52 kaewalt nr I pain
16:53 Günther yes ok. relax good for you. and i iron myshirts. i must make 15
16:59 kaewalt nr Ok
19:51 kaewalt nr In 2 hour at house
19:54 kaewalt nr See you when i at housr
19:54 Günther oktirak
Ich hoffe,es ist ok für euch, wenn ich euch einfach nur den Text kopiere! Aber ich denkedie meisten werden damit klar kommen. Es ist ja nur sehr einfaches englisch.


ich finde sehr interessant und auch traurig stellenweise. Aber ich denke, privates sollte auch privat bleiben. Da musst Du nicht Euren Chat herein kopieren.


Und so wurde mein tirak von ihrer Schwester und den Eltern an einen UK men quasi verscherbelt

10:23 Günther whereare you?
10:27 Günther you are busy
10:29 Günther Abgebrochener Anruf
10:31 Günther whatyou do?
10:33 kaew alt nr Papa
10:33 kaew alt nr Waitme
10:33 kaew alt nr Ifeel not happy with my family
10:34 kaew alt nr Iwill talk later
10:34 kaew alt nr Withuou
10:35 Günther ok
10:56 kaew alt nr Papayou have a good sleep
10:56 kaew alt nr Ichat with my sister from uk
10:56 kaew alt nr Fathermother
10:57 Günther youchat long with her
10:57 kaew alt nr No
10:57 kaew alt nr Ichat short only her say
10:57 Günther idont see you online
10:57 kaew alt nr Motherand fater chat with her
10:57 Günther howis your hurt
10:57 kaew alt nr Andanother man
10:58 kaew alt nr Chatwith family
10:58 kaew alt nr Pain
10:58 Günther abothermen chat with your family?
10:59 kaew alt nr Yes
10:59 kaew alt nr Mysister explan to my family
10:59 kaew alt nr Heat skype with my family
11:00 kaew alt nr Butnow i out
11:00 kaew alt nr Fromroom
11:00 Günther heknow your family
11:01 Günther whatyou have for problem with your family?
11:03 kaew alt nr Verpasster Anruf
11:03 kaew alt nr You here
11:04 Günther yes
11:04 kaew alt nr Askme
11:04 kaew alt nr Whati will make later with life family
11:04 kaew alt nr Becausemy sister
11:04 kaew alt nr Shetell me
11:04 kaew alt nr Shepay for this operation
11:05 kaew alt nr 50,000bath
11:05 kaew alt nr Andshe not have money to give to me any more
11:06 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer 1:03
11:06 kaew alt nr Every person
11:07 kaew alt nr Wantme to make this
11:07 kaew alt nr This
11:07 kaew alt nr Notask me
11:07 kaew alt nr Iwant or not
11:08 kaew alt nr Andnow friend of her husband talk with mother and father chat
11:08 kaew alt nr Over30 mini
11:08 kaew alt nr Andmy sister explean to family
11:08 Günther shewant you take him
11:08 kaew alt nr Yes
11:08 kaew alt nr Youknow i not want
11:09 Günther yesi know
11:09 kaew alt nr Istill hurt pain sick
11:09 kaew alt nr Butevery person not care
11:09 kaew alt nr Myfeeling
11:10 kaew alt nr Onlywant i make this and this
11:13 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer2:37
11:13 kaew alt nr Ihere you
11:13 Günther yourfamily has fear to lose house and all. she not look on you she look only herself
11:14 kaew alt nr Yesi know
11:14 kaew alt nr Askme
11:14 kaew alt nr Whati make
11:14 kaew alt nr Whati will do later
11:14 kaew alt nr Imust get a man
11:14 kaew alt nr Fromsister in uk
11:15 kaew alt nr Forhelp family
11:15 kaew alt nr Askme
11:15 kaew alt nr Inot love family
11:15 kaew alt nr ?
11:15 kaew alt nr Ionly love you
11:15 kaew alt nr Andmy self
11:15 Günther makeshock her. say you go work pattaya
11:16 kaew alt nr Familyknow
11:16 kaew alt nr Inot do this
11:16 kaew alt nr Ilove you papa
11:16 kaew alt nr Andi love family too
11:17 kaew alt nr Andnow i not feel well
11:17 kaew alt nr Butproblem come come
11:17 Günther iunderstand. its a wrong situation
11:18 kaew alt nr Yes
11:18 kaew alt nr Iwant die really
11:19 kaew alt nr Icannot lose you
11:19 kaew alt nr Icannot lose family
11:19 Günther ilove you too. but i think your family is more important as i.
11:20 kaew alt nr Youimportant too
11:20 Günther Youcan do 3 or 4 things
11:20 kaew alt nr Iknow you love me much
11:20 kaew alt nr Inot want make you hurt
11:20 kaew alt nr Andi love u
11:21 kaew alt nr What3 or 4?
11:22 Günther forme is important you are healthy
11:22 kaew alt nr Yousee me
11:22 kaew alt nr Family
11:22 Günther yes
11:22 kaew alt nr Imust to use money for my self every week for go meet doctor
11:23 kaew alt nr Andi cannot make work 3 months
11:23 Günther bigproblem
11:23 kaew alt nr Yes
11:23 kaew alt nr Andask me
11:24 kaew alt nr Wherei get money for lifr
11:24 kaew alt nr Onlywait from sister in uk
11:24 kaew alt nr ?
11:24 kaew alt nr Mymother ask me
11:24 Günther thentirak you have not choice
11:25 Günther mencan help you and support you right away
11:27 kaew alt nr Hetell my sister
11:27 kaew alt nr Hewill pay all about me and family
11:27 kaew alt nr Isee him at skype
11:27 kaew alt nr Buthe not see me
11:28 kaew alt nr Hesee photo of me by my sister in uk
11:28 kaew alt nr Youknow
11:28 Günther youthink he is good men?
11:28 kaew alt nr Welove together
11:28 kaew alt nr Idon't know papa
11:28 Günther yesi know
11:28 kaew alt nr Mysister he want me to him
11:29 kaew alt nr Becausecan help me
11:29 kaew alt nr Andher not must help me
11:29 Günther buti cant support you and family
11:29 kaew alt nr Andi ask sister
11:29 kaew alt nr Whatabout my bf
11:29 kaew alt nr You
11:29 kaew alt nr Shesay
11:29 kaew alt nr Ifyou love me
11:30 kaew alt nr Youwill understand
11:30 kaew alt nr Whatshe make
11:30 kaew alt nr Forme
11:30 kaew alt nr Buti tell her
11:30 kaew alt nr Inot agree
11:30 Günther yesi understand what she do.
11:31 kaew alt nr Whatwe can do papa
11:31 Günther andits make me sad. but i understand.
11:31 kaew alt nr Yesme too
11:32 kaew alt nr Whatwe can make
11:32 kaew alt nr Canyou help me
11:32 kaew alt nr Think
11:32 Günther wecan do nothing. i dont have so much money
11:32 kaew alt nr Iknow
11:32 kaew alt nr Andi understand u
11:32 Günther howi can help you
11:33 kaew alt nr Ihurt bran so much
11:33 kaew alt nr Forthinking
11:33 kaew alt nr Andmy health not good
11:33 Günther ihave big credit on bank. i become not more credit.
11:33 kaew alt nr Ihave much problem more
11:33 Günther howold is the men
11:33 kaew alt nr Ifi not sick
11:34 kaew alt nr Ican make work
11:34 kaew alt nr Butnow cannot work
11:34 kaew alt nr Mmm46 or 47
11:34 kaew alt nr Notsure
11:34 kaew alt nr Shetell me
11:34 Günther heis handsome?
11:35 kaew alt nr Forme no
11:35 kaew alt nr Onlysame every man
11:36 kaew alt nr Itired papa
11:36 Günther butone problem more. he cant marry you. you have not paper for marry
11:37 Günther ibelieve you
11:37 Günther hewant come and meet you.
11:39 kaew alt nr Yes
11:39 kaew alt nr Idon't know this he know or not
11:39 kaew alt nr Aboutmy marry
11:39 Günther idont want lose you. but i can understand if you take him. he can help you andyour family
11:40 kaew alt nr Inot want lose you papa
11:41 kaew alt nr Myfamily important too
11:41 Günther iknow. but i a poor men. cant support you
11:41 kaew alt nr Welove together
11:42 kaew alt nr Whati can make
11:42 Günther yes.because we love together i can understand all
11:42 kaew alt nr Itired with my health my problem
11:43 kaew alt nr Mylove
11:43 kaew alt nr Veryheard for me
11:53 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer 5:33
12:33 kaew alt nr Anrufdauer 40:21
12:34 kaew alt nr Papai go take a shower ok
12:34 Günther ok
12:34 kaew alt nr Seeyou after finish take a shower ok
12:34 Günther ok
12:34 kaew alt nr Notforget
12:34 kaew alt nr Ilove you
12:35 Günther [Sticker]
12:35 Günther iknow
15:35 kaew alt nr Missingpapa
15:35 Günther youhave hurt
15:36 Günther iby my parents
15:36 kaew alt nr Yestry sleep
15:36 kaew alt nr Iknow
15:36 kaew alt nr Sorry
15:36 Günther noproblem
15:36 kaew alt nr Onlywant tell you
15:36 kaew alt nr Byetake time
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


@ Outman,
das geht schon in Ordnung so. Ich machs ja mit absicht öffentlich, damit andere sehen können auf was man sich eventuell einläßt und wie alles laufen kann. So nach dem Motto "Willst du Gott zum lachen bringen, dann erzähl ihm von deinen Plänen"


Gut, das war meine`s up to you


Member hat gesagt:
Ich machs ja mit absicht öffentlich, damit andere sehen können auf was man sich eventuell einläßt und wie alles laufen kann.

Man liest ja immer wieder solche Gechichten, ich lese gerne deine Berichte, aber sei mir nicht böse! Das hier ist mir etwas suspekt. Ich hoffe nur, dass mit dem Krebs nicht wahr ist.

An an deiner Stelle würde ich, wenn finanziell möglich ist hinfliegen und Klarheit schaffen.


Ich kann Deine Ängste vollkommen nachvollziehen. Ich führe schon seit 9 Jahren eine Fernbeziehung,im nächsten Jahr kann ich endlich übersiedeln! ich würde auch verrückt werden, wenn so plötzlich der Kontakt abbricht. Allerdings würde ich meiner Plattnase nicht gleich sonst etwas unterstelle. Dafür ist das Vertrauen dann doch zu groß.


vergiss bitte nicht, dies ist alles schon ein Jahr her. Ja, meine kleine war wirklich sehr Krank und hatte in BKK einen guten Arzt, der das Problem gefunden hat. Kommt aber alles noch in der weiteren Geschichte zur Aufklärung.

ich war sehr verunsichert in der Zeit und es absolut ungewöhnlich von meinem tirak, dass sie sich 14 Tage nicht meldet, da ich sonst immer Bilder bekam, egal wo sie sich aufhält. Ob im Krankenhaus, Familienfeiern oder Tempel und Urlaube usw. Ich hatte einfach richtig Angst, dass ist alles. Und da kann dir dann dein Hirn schon die wildesten Gedanken vormachen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Hallo Bazie,

deine früheren Berichte habe ich immer gern und interessiert gelesen.
Sie waren sehr unterhaltsam und die Bilder waren stets eine schöne Erinnerung an eigene Aufenthalte im LOS.

Nun nehmen deine Erfahrungen allerdings eine sehr überraschende Wende.
Das frühere, vergnügliche Gefühl beim Lesen ist verschwunden und ich hoffe, die ganze Geschichte nimmt noch eine glückliche Wendung für Euch.

Für einen Kommentar ist es offensichtlich noch viel zu früh.

Wer will schon vorhersagen, wie es sich weiter entwickelt hat.

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