Für einen Truckstop nichts ungewöhnliches...Member hat gesagt:Mtito Andei - half way. Man sollte hier mal einen stopover einlegen:
Mtito Andei
The silent town can easily deceive you as just a normal transit town. With few luxury hotels and booming business, thanks to recent establishment of SGR station in the area, it is unlikely for anyone to suspect the presence of the several brothels in the area. The clients are well versed with the tiny, dusty streets of this town and even know when and where to land the cheapest catch. Mtito is a deceiving destination and many have found the "comfort", so to say, in this place. (Latest Breaking News In Kenya | Headlines Today - Opera News)
Aber wohl eher für die Fraktion geeignet, die es mag, sich für kleines Geld auf mit
Körpersäften der Vorgänger durchtränkten Matrazen zu suhlen