Thailand Mein Leben in Thailand - Part 2

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Und hier noch ein kurzer Nachtrag, was es am Ostermontag am Abend zum Essen gab...

....nicht dass sich hier noch jemand Sorgen macht, wir hätten nicht genügend vorgesorgt...

...und ja ja, normalerweise werden in Bayern Weisswürste vor 12.00 Uhr gegessen werden - aber erstens sind wir in Thailand und zweitens sind ja momentan auch keine normalen Zeiten und drittens war es ja auch noch vor 12 pm....555 !!!

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Hallo hotmanni, danke für deinetollen Einblicken Euer Leben und Eure Speisen die ihr so verdrückt😀👍, da kriegt man richtig Lust auf Thaifood.... Ich beneide Euch, dassihr dort sein könnt, heute wäre ich in Bkk angekommen und hätte meine Holde getroffen..... Leider alles gecancelt bis auf ungewisse Zeit😕, genießt die Zeit wir hiergebliebenen genießen mit😀, LG chunjai


Pattaya City Law Enforcement make it clear- NO activities on the beach area and walkways, including exercise- they are closed

By Adam Judd - Wednesday, 15 April 2020, 15:36

Law Enforcement officials from Pattaya and Jomtien have delivered a clear message over the past several days- Get off the beach and beach walkways and all activities all currently banned due to the Chonburi Governor’s order.

The order to close the beaches came from concern of groups of people gathering, drinking and eating on the beach. With the prior closure of nearly every other business in the city due to the COVID19 Coronavirus people began flocking to the beach with a lack of other areas to visit.

Video of the enforcement on the local beaches:

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However, the order was not heavily enforced until the past several days after photos of groups of people, many foreign, went viral on Thai social media with citizens asking why law enforcement had not taken action. The Pattaya News notes that in most photos people seen were respecting social distancing and not gathering, mostly exercising or sitting alone.

Now, Law Enforcement has stepped up patrols of the beach with a variety of methods.

Signs warning of draconian prison sentences and fines are placed up and down the local beaches in English and Thai. (But not Russian, of which many of the foreigners on the beach in Jomtien are notes The Pattaya News).

arnings that eating and drinking is forbidden and gates blocking some entrances to the beach have been placed sporadically. Beach Vendors have been asked to completely remove their chairs, coolers and equipment for the time being until the beaches reopen.

Drones fly overhead at times warning people in English to get off the beach or face stiff fines.

The speaker system on Pattaya Beach, normally rarely used, blasts warnings in Thai and English to Go Home and that the beach is closed.

Law Enforcement patrols up and down on a regular basis warning people to go home and leave and have even set up mini checkpoints at times on the walkway on Pattaya Beach, warning people to go elsewhere. It is worth noting most of the enforcement takes place in the late afternoon and early evening, not in the early morning.

Critics on social media say that with all the parks closed and a lack of other sidewalks to walk on that closing the beach walk ways are just moving pedestrians and people exercising into the roads and other sidewalks. There is no lockdown order and no rule against exercising.

The Pattaya News notes that if the situation improves beaches are set to possibly reopen early next month.
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Gute Nachrichten aus Pattaya:

In Chonburi (Pattaya) gibt es den 2. Tag in Folge und den 4. Tag in dieser Woche keine neuen Corona-Fälle !

Thailand has 28 new confirmed Covid-19 cases today, one additional death

By Adam Judd - Friday, 17 April 2020, 13:05

The number of Covid-19 Coronavirus cases in Thailand continues to show a decreasing trend as today the Thai Government announced 28 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and one additional death, an 85 year old Thai woman with multiple prior health problems.

Chonburi, which is where Pattaya is located, announced zero new cases for the second day in a row and fourth day this week. Another seven people were released and fully recovered in the area as well.

This brings the total number of cases so far in Thailand to 2,700, with 47 deaths. 964 people remain in treatment in the hospital.

96 more people were released and fully recovered from hospitals today leading to the full number of those released being 1,689.

The Thai Government said that the downward trend was “a good sign”, however, stated that lowering of restrictions and re-opening business across the country would not be discussed until the last week of the month and signs that the downward trend was continuing.

Proactive testing continues to be done in hot zone areas such as Pattaya and Phuket and, so far, shows limited to no signs of local widespread infection. Several hundred tests a day are being done in Pattaya at the Grand Bella hotel of volunteers from high risk groups that are still exposed to many people and, so far, have only shown one positive this week-a person who ended up being a close contact of a previous confirmed Covid-19 patient.

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