Member hat gesagt:
Nun, da ich in Erster Linie zum Arbeiten dort war und nur die Wochenenden und ein bisschen Abends Zeit hatte, kann ich einen weiteren Ausflug, eventuell mit dem Flieger, knicken.
Aber falls es klappt und ich im November noch mal für 2 oder gar 3 Wochen dort hin darf, dann schau ich mir dieses 4X4 an. Wo ist das genau?
Danke für das Lob.
"Termas 4x4 - R. Buenos Aires 44. Tel. 20051-012, (21) 2283-1009. Hours: Mon-Fri 14:00-24:00. Number of Girls: up to 120. This Terma is great, it is by far the biggest Terma in Rio de Janeiro, it has 50 cabines (rooms) – L´Uomo and the others by comparison have about 12. The girls can be described best as having a "Gangsta" look with plenty of Ink. It is set up primarily for the locals, hence the predominant shape is big asses, but all shapes and sizes are present, and many touristas do go there. With over 100 girls, one can always find something, quality by quantity is well described. The atmosphere here is great, local Brasilain and US funk plays hard. you will want to experience the Terma in full swing, after 8pm, when it is so crowed you can't move, akin to a fucking zoo and the music so loud you can't think. If there were to be a fire in there you would surely die, not a chance in hell of getting out. If you are a fan of big asses, this place will rock your world. They have also a Whisky Bar that has 2 entrances, one from the street and one from the main club. You can and remain in your clothes if only using the Whisky Bar. They have also installed a “firemans hole” in the boite where girls can open a door, grab the pole and go down to the Whisky Bar. There is no way you could get away with this in a western country, due to safety regulations, but this is Brasil after all. They also have a shower in the main boite that girls do a show in. They also have a relax room upstairs which is less crowded and you can order food etc. It is way at the back of the club up a level via a spiral staircase. "
Habs mal aus Google kopiert.
War selber niemals dort, da ich nicht drauf stehe.
Diese Terma war aber in meinem gesamten Bekanntenkreis, die alle möglichen Termas abgrasten, die Nr. 1 wegen besten Preis/Leistungsverhältnis. Hab immer nur gutes drüber gehört. Sie ist besonders bei Ausländern beliebt.
Ich denke ein Besuch ist empfehlenswert,