Aktuelle Lage in Bangkok - Thailand / ist jemand vor Ort ?

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Ab Donnerstag komm ich da vorbei............


Ausgangssperre gelockert: Jetzt von Mitternacht bis 04:00 Uhr.


[h=1]Junta changes curfew time to midnight - 4 am[/h]

Ab Morgen gilt diese neue Ausgangsperre.

May 27, 2014 8:50 pm

[h=2]The National Council for Peace and Order announced Tuesday night that the curfew period will be reduced to four hours a day from midnight to 4 am.[/h] The new curfew time will take effect on Wednesday.

The change was announced in NCPO's 42nd order.

Now, the curfew is imposed from 10 pm to 4 am.
The Nation



Laut Richard Barrow ebenfalls:
New Curfew: 12:01am-4:00am starting on 28 May - RT @armypr_news: ... 00.01 ถึง 04.00น. มีผลตั้งแต่คืนนี้(28 พค57) <=== So, starts tonight.
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