Unruhe in BKK - Airport closed ! (Sammelthread)

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Member hat gesagt:
Und wenn das nicht gehen sollte, buche ich halt um auf Manila. :wink0:

Manila ist ne furchtbare Stadt, was willste denn da?
Geh lieber nach AC oder Subic oder so. :lach1:

Falls zuviele notgeile Säcke das machen stehen alle Gäste da dann an, um mal in eine der überfüllten Gogos zu dürfen.


Schon wieder Granatenanschlag:

Meldung auf SAT 1 Text:

Bei der Explosion einer Granate am von Opositionellen Demonstranten
besetzten Regierungssitz in der Thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok sind in
der Nacht mindestens 34 Menschen verletzt worden. Dies berichtet die
Onlineausgabe der Bangkok Post unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der

Laut PAD wurde die Granate von außerhalb des Geländes abgefeuert. In
anderen Berichten war von 11 Verletzten die Rede





Meldung in der BKK POST

anscheinend hat die Polizei jetzt den Suvernabury Airport umzingelt und
angeriegelt - in der Bangkok Post sprechen sie von einem
VIOLENT ENDGAME was nun bald folgen soll

Volle Meldung:

ungültiger Link entfernt




Habs grade bei "The Nation" gelesen .

Explosion occurs at Don Mueang Airport

A bomb exploded near a bunker made of tyres at the Don Mueang Airport early Sunday.

The explosion occurred at 3:55 am at the main entrance to the passenger terminal.

Before the explosion occurred, about 7 gunshots were heard from the direction of a warehouse deeper inside the airport compound.

No one was injured in the explosion.

The Nation


Ein paar Leserbriefe aus der BKK POST



Six months ago I decided to visit the PAD protests in Bangkok. I took my
15-year-old daughter along because she showed a strong political and
social interest in what was going on at the time. I thought it would be an
interesting lesson for her on democracy and freedom of speech.

Scenes at the rally were friendly, safe and educated. The mob was
outside _ represented in red T-shirts, clubs in their hands and drunk. The
protesters in yellow (PAD) were all polite and sober.

Now my daughter asks me what happened to make the formerly peaceful
PAD protests turn so disgusting and ugly. We both shake our heads in
disbelief when we think of six months ago.

Now Thailand is wrecked, brought down by those who claim to love their
nation and their King. My daughter has learned the lesson she had six
months ago, and today we both ask the same question: When will
Thailand become a peaceful country again, with 65 million smiles for
every tourist and their King?

Armin Hermann



The PAD is damaging not only the government, economy and image of
Thailand but also Thai families abroad and Thailand as a whole.

Exports of Thai vegetables and spices have been stopped to countries
around the world. Thai restaurants around the world are very important
to the Thai economy. Farmers, distributors and export companies benefit
from the success of fine Thai food worldwide. Employees and owners at
Thai restaurants around the world are often the first Thai people
foreigners met, and we are the first channel to promote Thailand as a
fantastic tourist destination, with great food and great tourist sights,
superb Thai hotels and resorts. Now we have to tell our customers that
we cannot serve Thai food with the original ingredients. Will they stay or
choose another restaurant?

Protest is the right of everybody, but it should be done with common
sense. Why not demonstrate around government sites? The PAD is
looking for a conflict which will hurt Thai people in Thailand and all around
the world for a very long time.

The tourists stranded in Bangkok will probably reconsider helping Thai
people if there is another major disaster like the tsunami. In my country
millions and millions of euros were collected to rebuild Thailand after the
tsunami and help the survivors.

I feel really sorry for all the hard-working, nice and smiling people of
Thailand, such as farmers, taxi drivers, hotel employees, waiters, shop
owners, restaurant owners and many more people who make Thailand
the place I love to visit. What a pity.

Sonny Buter




The mess that Thailand has brought upon itself is fundamentally a
domestic problem. But the reckless and unacceptable seizure of the
Suvarnabhumi airport is taking a number of neighbouring countries

Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and the Chinese province of Yunnan all
depend on Bangkok as the transport hub of the region. They all see their
tourism arrivals dwindle due to a matter in which they have no part.

It is essential that Southeast Asia not depend on a single hub for all
traffic, but rather spread the risk. Vietnam is an obvious potential rival;
some more long-haul flights and simpler visa regulations would make it
an attractive alternative to Bangkok. China should be able to connect
Yunnan province to the rest of the world via its hubs. Cambodia, Vietnam
and Laos can also easily be reached from KL and Singapore. Voila, the
Thai monopoly is broken.

As long as the PAD is a factor in Thai politics we cannot consider Thailand
a stable and reliable economic partner. The damage done is beyond

Eskil Sorensen

Luang Prabang



Today, an export customer cancelled orders worth in excess of 10 million
baht over the next couple of months. Unfortunately this means that staff
are not going to receive salaries unless we can find another customer to
take over their air shipments. Does the PAD not realise they are hurting
their Thai friends by not allowing the country to operate?

Vietnam is welcoming us with open arms; maybe it is time to change
because the land of smiles has turned into the land of hatred and there
doesn't seem any way of going back to the true values of Thailand!

Matt Christie





Meldung auf N-TV.de:

Sonntag, 30. November 2008
44 Euro pro TagThailand will Touristen helfen

Die thailändische Regierung will die wegen der Flughafenblockade in Bangkok gestrandeten ausländischen Touristen und Geschäftsleute auf schnellstem Wege über andere Flughäfen ausfliegen. Jeder soll aus der Staatskasse umgerechnet 44 Euro pro Tag erhalten, um die Wartezeit zu überbrücken, berichteten die Bangkoker Zeitungen.

Tourismusminister Weerasak Kohsurat bat um Geduld: "Ich rufe alle Thailänder auf, den Ausländern zu helfen, das wäre eine gute Gelegenheit, unsere Freundschaft zu demonstrieren." Nach seinen Schätzungen sitzen 100.000 Touristen und Geschäftsleute fest.

Unter anderem ist der Militärstützpunkt U-Tapao 150 Kilometer südöstlich von Bangkok für kommerzielle Flüge geöffnet. Dort können 50 internationale Flüge am Tag abgefertigt werden. Fluggäste können in den nächsten Tagen in Hotels in Bangkok einchecken und werden dann mit Bussen nach U-Tapao gebracht. Die Flughäfen in Chiang Mai und Phuket - 600 Kilometer nördlich beziehungsweise 800 Kilometer südlich von Bangkok - sollen mit zusätzlichen Gepäckwagen und fahrbaren Treppen ausgestattet werden, um mehr Flüge abfertigen zu können.

Der stellvertretende Regierungschef hat vor einem verheerenden Einbruch bei den Urlauberzahlen gewarnt. Im vergangenen Jahr kamen nach seinen Angaben 14,5 Millionen Touristen nach Thailand, in diesem 13,5 Millionen. Doch könnte die Zahl auf sechs bis sieben Millionen im nächsten Jahr sinken, fürchtet Olarn Chaipravat. Dadurch seien eine Million Arbeitsplätze in Gefahr.




Member hat gesagt:
Ein paar Leserbriefe aus der BKK POST



Six months ago I decided to visit the PAD protests in Bangkok. I took my
15-year-old daughter along because she showed a strong political and
social interest in what was going on at the time. I thought it would be an
interesting lesson for her on democracy and freedom of speech.

Scenes at the rally were friendly, safe and educated. The mob was
outside _ represented in red T-shirts, clubs in their hands and drunk. The
protesters in yellow (PAD) were all polite and sober.





Gibts den Quatsch auch auf deutsch?

Wenn ich nen englischen Bericht lesen will gehe ich auf die entsprechenden englischen Internetseiten.
Ich habe gedacht dies wäre ein deutsches Forum!




ein deutsches forum was sich mit thailand und bzw ganz süd ost asien beschäftigt .......also urdeutsche tugenden

und zur not gibt es im netz kostenlose übersetzungsseiten ......... :hehe: :hehe:


:shock: bist du der englischen Sprache nicht mächtig ? :shock:

lässt sich easy online übersetzen bzw ich kann dir das auch übersetzen
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