Kenia! Einreise - Ausreise Bestimmungen zu Zeiten von Corona!

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Die mir bekannten Mädels lassen sich übrigens impfen. Die meissten haben schon die zweite Impfung intus.


Member hat gesagt:
Die mir bekannten Mädels lassen sich übrigens impfen. Die meissten haben schon die zweite Impfung intus.
Ich habe es ja schon immer gesagt, und nun kommt es so🤪

Anhang anzeigen 6AED39A5-F87E-4481-8184-392ACDD728ED.jpg

Wie schon gesagt wurde, kann man sich auf gar nichts verlassen-derzeit ohne Impfung nach Kenia zu reisen, ist ein „Himmelfahrtskommando“.
Macht ja auch nicht wirklich Spaß, wenn man nicht mehr ins eigene Hotel oder in eine Bar darf.
Hier in Schleswig-Holstein hat man alle ungeimpften Touristen ausgewiesen, als 2G kam.


Die Einreise/Transit Bedingungen in Dubai haben sich geändert, wenn man aus Kenia oder Tanzania kommt.

Dear All Airlines / Private Operators,
1. Reference to the subject above and the directive issued by the COVID-19 Command and Control Centre (CCC), kindly note that inbound and transit passenger(s) operation from any point(s) located in the countries mentioned in paragraph 2 below, to the airports in the Emirate of Dubai, are subject to the following conditions, with effect from Wednesday 15th December 2021 commencing at 11:59 hrs. and will be effective until further notice .
2. The Countries are:
1) The Republic of Burundi
2) The Republic of Cameroon
3) The Republic of Chad
4) The Republic of Kenya
5) The Federal Republic of Nigeria
6) The Republic of Rwanda
7) The United Republic of Tanzania
8) The Republic of Uganda
9) The Republic of Zambia
3. Airlines shall ensure that the passenger(s) comply with the following :
a) Present a VALID Negative Covid-19 Test certificate that is issued within the valid time frame, namely, (48) hours from the time of collecting the sample and from and approved health service, which use QR code System; and
b) For Direct Passenger(s)-Present a Rapid PCR test report that should be based on molecular diagnostic testing intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid for SARS-COV-2 viral RNA; conducted at the departure airport prior to six (6) hours of departure, provided with QR code system.
c) For Transit Passenger(s) - Present a Rapid PCR test report that should be based on molecular diagnostic testing intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid for SARS-COV-2 viral RNA; conducted six (6) hours prior to the last point of departure, provided with QR code system.
d) Undergo a PCR test upon arrival in Dubai and Self-Quarantine until the negative test result is out.
4. The Airlines those who wishes to operate to Dubai from the aforesaid countries, shall submit their request for review and approval to Dubai Civil Aviation Authority via email:; minimum by (48 hours) prior their operation, provided with the following:
a) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the airline for the intended operation.
b) Full description of the machine to be used for Rapid PCR test report, that should be based on molecular diagnostic testing intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid for SARS-COV-2 viral RNA; conducted at the departure airport prior to six (6) hours of departure.
The airlines shall ensure and/or verify the authenticity of the above requirement(s) prior to the passenger(s) boarding the aircraft and shall not accept any passenger(s) who does not fulfill the aforesaid condition(s) and/or requirements.
If the airline carries any passenger(s) who fails to meet the aforesaid requirements, the airline will be held responsible to return such passenger to the point of embarkation and also any other matters that may arise therefrom.
Air Carriers that fail and/or neglect to comply with the measures set out in this decision will be subject to the fines and measures stipulated in Clause 37 of Schedule No. (7) of the Executive Council Resolution No. (4) of 2017 Approving Fees and Fines of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, considering that adherence to the provisions of DCAA Circular No. (1) of 2021, is strictly required for Air Carriers to continue practicing air transport activity arriving to or transiting through Dubai.
Your continuous support to curtail the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS Cov-2), is greatly appreciated!
Best Regards,
Air Transport Operations
Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.


Man beachte die auf 72h verkürzte Gültigkeit des Testes und die Impfpflicht zur Ausreise
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