Laut Info der TAT sieht's ab April so aus:
Testing requirement
Two tests remain in place for the TEST & GO and Sandbox travellers: RT-PCR test upon arrival (Day 0) and an antigen self-test on Day 5.
Sandbox staying period
Reduced to 5 days from currently 7 days. After completing five days within the Sandbox destinations, travellers will be allowed to travel domestically within Thailand.
AQ requirement
Quarantine reduced to 5 days and an RT-PCR test on Day 4-5."
Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) today approved the lifting of the pretravel testing requirement for international arrivals beginning 1 April, 2022, as the kingdom prepares a four-phase plan to downgrade the COVID-19 pandemic to an endemic disease.
Die Reduktion auf 5 Tage gilt demnach vor allem für die Sandbox-Leute und die Ungeimpften, die nach dem AQ Requirement behandelt werden.
Für die geimpften Test & GO-Leute ändert sich demnach nichts. Die sind bei negativem Test ab Tag 2 frei.
Leute, die bei der Ankunft positiv getestet werden, müssen wohl nach wie vor mit 10 Tagen Quarantäne rechnen. "During receiving the medical treatment – at least 10 days, they must remain in their accommodation only." Aus:
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